Note: It is mandatory that at least one author of all accepted papers have to register for the conference to ensure that the paper is included in the proceeding. Only registered authors are allowed to present their papers. High quality selected papers will be submitted to the SCI, Scopus and web of science journals,
It is mandatory that at least one author of all accepted papers have to register for the conference to ensure that the paper is included in the proceeding. Only registered authors are allowed to present their papers.
The registration fee covers the conference kit, access to all sessions, journal processing fee, coffee/tea, and working lunch. Accommodation on a payment basis will be arranged on request.
Research Scholars
9500 Rs
Faculty delegates
10,000 Rs
Delegates from R&D Organizations & Industries
11,000 Rs
International Delegates
USD 200
Accompanying Persons / Listeners
3000 Rs
The full registration fee includes (i) participation in all sessions, (ii) a conference kit; and (iii) refreshments and lunch on the day of presentation.
The Registration fee is payable to the following account details
The Registration fee is payable to the following account details
Name Of the Account Holder : Principal Vemu Institute of Technology
Account Number : 30638801458
Ifsc Code : SBIN0002773
Online Presentation:
Foreign authors/Authors from other states in India may optionally present their papers via video conferencing (subject to Organizing Chair’s prior approval). Authors need to install the skype in their computer to orally present the paper through the internet. Authors must have access to high-speed uninterrupted data connectivity. The presentation should be in English only. Authors must inform the conference Chair in advance to get his approval for availing video conferencing facility for their presentation. Last minute requests will not be accepted.